Коллекцию «Полномасштабных» плюшевых друзей Legrand мы публиковали тут: https://yourplushfriends.com/kollekcziya-plyushevyh-zhivotnyh-legrand
Коллекцию «Полномасштабных» плюшевых друзей Legrand мы публиковали тут: https://yourplushfriends.com/kollekcziya-plyushevyh-zhivotnyh-legrand
Источник: https://babiki.ru/blog/teddy_bear/231549.html
♦ О компании
♦ A little dose of happy
♦ Blush glitter
♦ Breyer
♦ Cuddly Friends
♦ Desti Nationnation
♦ Dr. Seuss
♦ Dreamy Eyes
♦ Об Ebba (дочерний проект)
• Baby Talk Collection. Ebba
• Bunny. Ebba
• Cuddlers. Ebba
• Lamb Plush Animals. Ebbagift. Ebba
• Little Pitter Pattern. Ebba
• Magical
• Bears. Ebba
• Elephants. Ebba
• Puppy. Ebba
♦ Fancy Pals
♦ Flopsies
♦ Galactic cuties
♦ Gruffalo
♦ Hang N swing
♦ Hugga wug bear
♦ Huggle Buddies
♦ Lin-lin
♦ Luxe Boutique
♦ Macaron Collection
♦ Miyoni
♦ Рeek a boo
♦ Precious moments
♦ Rainbow
♦ Sea Sparkles
♦ Shaun the sheep
♦ Shoulderkins
♦ Silly Sitters
♦ Tasty Peach
♦ Teddy Pets
♦ Tokidoki
♦ True and the rainbow kingdom
♦ Yeti
♦ YooHoo & Friends
♦ О компании
♦ Care Bears 2020
♦ Cutetitos (о коллекции)
• Cutetitos
• Fruititos
• Cutetitos Pizzaitos
• Taste Budditos
• Babitos. Серия 1
• Babitos. Серия 2
• Babitos. Серия 3
♦ Pound Puppies. Basic Fun. 2019
♦ О компании
♦ Bears
♦ Beary Fairy Friends Collection
♦ Build-A-Bear Minis
♦ Heartables
♦ Holiday Gifts
♦ Kabu
♦ Merry Mission Plush Reindeer Collection
♦ Rainbow Friends
♦ Zoo Stuffed Animals
♦ Different
♦ О компании
♦ Aquatic
♦ Big head Ted and friends
♦ Forest friends wildlife
♦ Jungle
♦ Halloween
♦ Lean beans
♦ Soft & cuddly
♦ Valentines
♦ Well wishes
♦ Winter holiday
♦ О компании
♦ Bigiggles
♦ Mushmeez
♦ Plumps
♦ Squeezamals
• 3deez
• 3deez-large
• Deluxe
• Сore-s3
• Squeezamals. Different
♦ Surprizamals Cuties
♦ Worlds softest plush
♦ О компании
♦ BernART
♦ Басик и Ко
• Барсик
• Бартоломей
• Кошечка Ли-Ли
• Марк Ваксон
• Малыш Басик
• Малыш Барти
• Малыш Ваксон
• Малышка Ли-Ли
• Enjoy
• Брелки
♦ Зайка Ми
♦ Кармашки
♦ Лесята
• Лесята
• В город
• В лес
♦ Лорики
♦ О компании
♦ Arctic Animals
♦ Baby
♦ Cats
♦ Collections. Bukowski
• Boxed Items
• Bukowski Natural
• Christmas Tree Decorations
• Events & Special Occasions
• The Ballerina School. Bukowski
♦ Dogs
♦ Exotic Animals
♦ Fantasy Animals
♦ Farm & Forest Animals
♦ Keychain. Bukowski
♦ Mice
♦ Rabbits
♦ Teddy Bears
♦ Ziggy. Bukowski
♦ О компании
♦ Beyond bears
♦ Childrens
♦ Contemporary
♦ Limited edition
♦ Traditional
♦ О компании
♦ Larva
♦ Smooshy Mushy
• My singing monsters
• Plush KeyChaIn. Smooshy mushy
• Smooshy Mushy Plush (COre)
• Smooshy Mushy Plush (SugarFix)
♦ О компании
♦ Alice’s Bear Shop
♦ Bearhouse Bears
♦ Charlie Bears Plush
♦ Charlie’s Secret Collection
♦ Isabelle Mohair Collection
♦ Minimo Collection
♦ О компании
♦ Big Simply
♦ Original. Deglingos
♦ Les Ptipotos. Deglingos
♦ О компании
♦ Animalcraft
♦ Birthstone Bears
♦ Forever My Teddy
♦ Giving Bear
♦ Growl Pal
♦ Love You Crew
♦ Mellow Fellow
♦ Noah’s Ark by Lori Siebert
♦ Tender Love
♦ Different
♦ О компании
♦ Alice In Wonderland
♦ Bananya
♦ Five Nights At Freddys
♦ Nightmare Before Christmas
♦ Overwatch
♦ Star Wars
♦ Super Heroes
♦ Rick and Morty
♦ The Walking Dead
♦ Troll Hunters
♦ Wetmore Forest
♦ Different. Funko
♦ О компании
♦ Baby
♦ Ballerinas
♦ Bears
♦ Cat
♦ Dogs
♦ Farm
♦ Feathered Friends
♦ Fun and Trendy
♦ Ghosts
♦ Meltimals
♦ Reptiles and Dinosaurs
♦ Rodents
♦ Sea
♦ Soft Spots
♦ Squishy Squad Animals
♦ The Heritage Collectio
♦ Wildlife
♦ Woodland Tossimal
♦ О компании
♦ Boo
♦ Gudetama
♦ My 1st Teddy
♦ Peter Rabbit
♦ Pusheen
♦ Studio Ghibli
♦ Different
♦ О компании
♦ Время подарков
♦ Время подарков. BB
♦ Круглый хит
♦ Подари настроение
♦ Серия Классика
♦ Серия Интерьер
♦ О компании
♦ Baby
♦ Big and Little
♦ Hug Mees
♦ Winter holiday
♦ Declaration of love
♦ О компании
♦ Arctic
♦ Aviary
♦ Bear
♦ Cats
♦ Dogs
♦ Dinosaurs
♦ Down Under
♦ Fantasy
♦ Farm
♦ Fish and Sea
♦ Monkeys
♦ Safari. Wild cats
♦ Safari
♦ Whimsical
♦ Woodland & Prairie. Rodents
♦ Woodland & Prairie. Wolves and foxes
♦ Woodland & Prairie
♦ О компании
♦ Activity Toys
♦ Bashful Bunnies
♦ Bashfuls
♦ Beautifully Scrumptious
♦ Big & Bold
♦ Blossoms
♦ Buggy Toys
♦ Bundle of Bears
♦ Colourful & Quirky
♦ Cordy Roys
♦ Dressed To Impress
♦ Fresh & Foodie
♦ Fuddlewuddle
♦ Keychain
♦ Long Legs
♦ Little Legs
♦ Mad Menagerie
♦ Ocean Life
♦ Pocket Pals
♦ Pompoms
♦ Super Softies
♦ Toothys
♦ О компании
♦ Archived
• Adoraballs
• Anizoomals
• Belle Rose
• Flopsy Friends
• Glitter Gems
• Hugasaurus
• Mini Me’s
• Moonlings
• Pink Wild
• Podlings
• Ponytails
• Sparkle Eyes
• Tumbleweed Farm
• Turtley Awesome
• Unicorns
• WAGs
♦ Fashion Ranges
• Animotsu & Mini Motsu
• Bobballs
• Confetti
• Hugg’ems
• Pipp The Bear
• Pippins
• Pugsley
♦ Traditional Ranges
• Keel eco
• Patchfoots
• Signature Cuddle Kittens
• Signature Cuddle Puppies
• Signature Cuddle Teddies
• Souvenir
• Wild (and not only)
♦ О компании
♦ Animals & Friends
♦ Cheeky Bears
♦ Collectable Bears
♦ Punkie Bears
♦ Rare. Merrythought
♦ Traditional Bears
♦ О компании
♦ Teenie Beanie Boos. 2020
♦ Teenie Tys. 2019 (Collection of Leon & Sondra Schlossberg)
♦ Teenie Beanie Boos 2017 (Collection of Leon & Sondra Schlossberg)
♦ The secret Life of Pets. 2016
♦ Teenie Beanie Babies. 1993
♦ The Dog
♦ О компании
♦ Classic Bears, great teddy-friends
♦ Einhorn Theodor und seine Freunde
♦ Hang Gang, the sloths
♦ Jolly Mäh sheep
♦ Llama lounge
♦ Keyrings. Different
♦ MagNICI Magnets
♦ Meerkats
♦ Moffinis
♦ Pat the dog
♦ Products from Forest Friends
♦ Products from Zoo Friends
♦ Sesame Street
♦ Shaun the sheep
♦ Spring
♦ Stone Age Friends
♦ The little dragon coconut
♦ Tropicano Toucan
♦ Wild Friends wild animals
♦ Winter Adventure
♦ О компании
♦ Символ года 2013
♦ Символ года 2014
♦ Разные 2014
♦ Лось Йохан 2016
♦ Бегемот 2017
♦ Символ года 2018
♦ Символ года 2019
♦ Символ года 2020
♦ Символ года 2021
♦ Ежи до 2020-го
♦ Choco&Milk
♦ Lucky Doggy
♦ Mini Twini
♦ Orange Life
♦ Orange Toys
♦ КТОтики (2019.2020)
♦ Морская коллекция 2020
♦ О компании
♦ Anipals
♦ CustomizedBespoke Products
♦ Glitter Eyes
♦ Keychains
♦ Lovely Hearts
♦ Mini
♦ Mom & Baby
♦ Ocean friends
♦ Pocketpals
♦ Reptiles and spiders
♦ Sealife
♦ Snakes
♦ О компании
♦ Dino
♦ Коллекция Paris
♦ Основной Ассортимент
♦ Плюшевые брелки
♦ Серия Муми-тролли
♦ Совиные настроения
♦ О компании
♦ Magnetics
♦ Plüschtiere
♦ Anhänger für Deine(n) liebsten(n)
♦ Anhänger Glitzer & Glamour
♦ Anhänger Hunde, Katzen und Mäuse
♦ Anhänger Teddys
♦ Anhänger Tiere im Wasser und auf dem eis
♦ Anhänger Wald- und Wiesentiere
♦ Auf dem Bauernhof
♦ Bienen und Marienkäfer
♦ Exoten aus dem Schaffer Zoo
♦ Märchen- und fantasytiere
♦ О компании
♦ Кат 1
♦ Кат 2
♦ Кат 3
♦ Кат 4
♦ Кат 5
♦ Кат 6
♦ Кат 7
♦ Кат 8
♦ Кат 9
♦ Кат 10
♦ Кат 11
♦ Кат 12
♦ Кат 13
♦ Кат 14
♦ Кат 15
♦ Кат 16
♦ Кат 17
♦ Кат 18
♦ Кат 19
♦ Кат 20
♦ Кат 21
♦ Кат 22
♦ Кат 23
♦ Кат 24
♦ Кат 25
♦ Кат 26
♦ Кат 27
♦ Кат 28
♦ Разные
♦ О компании
♦ Different
♦ О компании
♦ Backpack Buddies
• Dino Dudes
• Fruit Troop
• Spooky Squad
• Unicorn Backpack Buddies
• Different
♦ Plush Crush Puzzle Ball
♦ Smillows
♦ Spring Plush
♦ Sweetheart Plush
♦ О компании
♦ Beasts
♦ Organic Toys
♦ О компании
♦ 140th Anniversary Collection
♦ 2020 Fall Collection
♦ Classics
♦ FAO Schwarz Collection
♦ Gentle Giants
♦ Licensed Collections
♦ Limited Editions
♦ Limited Editions and Replicas
♦ National Geographic Collection
♦ Plush Animals
♦ Rare Finds Limited Editions
♦ Steiff Club
♦ Suitcase Bears & Animals
♦ Yellow Tag Classic Collections
♦ О компании
♦ Silver Tag Bears
• Collection 4
• Collection 5
• Collection 6
• Collection 7
• Collection 8
• Different collections
♦ Baby
♦ Classics
♦ Dinosaurs
♦ Ditsy Floral Family
♦ Farmyard Friends
♦ Galaxy Bats
♦ Jungle Friends
♦ Li’l Peepers
♦ Medium Resting Cats
♦ Mythical
♦ Resting Animals
♦ Resting Dogs
♦ Sealife
♦ Small Realistic
♦ Small Sitting Dogs
♦ Suki Bugs
♦ Suki Soft Galaxy
♦ Suki Soft Mosaic
♦ Suki Soft Winter
♦ Suki Super Heroes
♦ Traditional Bears
♦ Yomiko Small
♦ Different
♦ О компании
♦ Birds
♦ Dinosaurs
♦ Dog
♦ Cat
♦ Collectible Bears
♦ Farm
♦ Forest Animals
♦ Nature Bears
♦ Miniatures 4-6 cm
♦ Modern bears
♦ Mohair
♦ Mohair mini
♦ Yaqu Pacha und Sea Animals
♦ Wild
♦ О компании
♦ Baby
♦ Cat
♦ Classic
♦ Charm
♦ Dog
♦ Extra large Plush
♦ Extra small Trudini
♦ Fluffies
♦ In bags
♦ Insects
♦ Rodents
♦ Team Trudi
♦ Trudi Bussi
♦ Different
♦ О компании
♦ Attic Treasures. Old
♦ Attic Treasures (Cuddlys). New 2017-2018
♦ Baby Ty
♦ Beanie Babies. New
♦ Beanie Bellies
♦ Beanie Boos
♦ Classics
♦ Cuddlys (from 2018 to the present)
♦ Flippables
♦ Gift Sets
♦ Halloweenie Beanies
♦ McDonalds
• Teenie Beanie Boos. 2020
• Teenie Tys. 2019 (Collection of Leon & Sondra Schlossberg)
• Teenie Beanie Boos 2017 (Collection of Leon & Sondra Schlossberg)
♦ Movies & TV
♦ Puffies
♦ Sports. Beanie Babies (Classic)
♦ Sports. Beanie Ballz
♦ Teeny Ty
♦ О компании
♦ Ryans World Plush
♦ Shimmeez. Vivid
♦ Squeezamals. Vivid
♦ О компании
♦ All about Nature
♦ Floppys
♦ Orbys
∴ Витражные плюшевые игрушки разных лет
Примечание: О размерах в каталогах